As a future teacher, I feel that I should familiarize myself with all the media possibilities that I can use, so that I can try to come up with ways to integrate them into my class. I think having students (with parental consent for those under 18, of course) record themselves for projects could be interesting, however I do not feel that they would learn much about how to upload videos, since most sites simply ask you to "click a button" to upload.
If I want to teach my students about video editing, recording and whatnot, I would have to ask a media teacher, or someone qualified to teach, seeing as how I can't really do all that fancy video stuff.
When I was in high school, I had to create a video documentary, edit it and show it to the class. Sadly, the teacher did not offer any tools to help us edit our videos. We ended up just recording everything in sequence to minimize any editing necessary.
All in all I adore YouTue and everyone should check out my videos!