Monday, July 4, 2011

Third time's the Charm

I'm now with my third host family and my second camp. My first camp director was fantastic: she knew how to choose sides (between parents and tutors) when needed and she knew that a camp like this needs to go with the flow. You can't plan every minute of everyday.

This new camp director is the exact opposite of the last one. This new one, let's call her S, wants us to not only plan who sings what song in the morning (a reasonable request), but how long each song will last. Our end-of-the-day meeting (which usually takes 15-20 mins) took ALMOST AN HOUR. 20 mins for S to talk to parents and then 25-30 mins of her talking but never really answering our questions. And when we'd answer hers, she'd ask again... and again... I think it was either to make sure we answered the same way each time or to try to change our minds to her way of thinking. The meeting only ended when two tutors told her their host mom had been waiting for them all this time. Tomorrow, I'm leaving after 20 mins max: I have a 20 min walk home.

S was upset that I won't be getting there early tomorrow. I think she wanted me to ask my host mom to either drive the kids to camp at 8am (camp starts at 8:30am) or to make two trips: one for me and one for the kids. Uhh, no. I'm not going to ask that. It's ridiculous! I don't need to be there 30mins early EVERYDAY. You'd think it's her first time as a camp director, but no. She's been there all 4 years the camp has been going on. WTF, mate?

Other than that, my new host family is awesome. The daughter (a camper) is 14, the son (a helper) is 16. The mother is an architect and the father is an engineer. Yesterday, they took me to Lake Como where I totally..... didn't see George Clooney. But I'm pretending I did, in my mind. Yep, I close my eyes and there he was, in front of the lake. It was love at first sight and I'm going to the Oscars in 2012! Hahaha, I wish.

So, a fellow tutor turned me onto Contiki tours. I want to take one for my last week or so in Europe, but I just can't find one that interests me, fits in my budget and in my time frame. I'm a little bummed because I found the PERFECT one and all the trips leaving around when I'd be free are full. Boo. Maybe next year, I'll plan for one ahead of time. With a friend. Maybe.

I'm still reluctant about long-term traveling with friends, after the whole Ships and Dip III fiasco. And considering I get annoyed with people sometimes after a 3 day trip... I don't know how I'd be.

MY host mom and I are going for a walk soon: I get to explore a bit of this suburb. Hopefully soon, I'll get some information concerning the relatives my family found in the area: maybe I'll go out for supper with them!

It's exciting, this life I lead. I wouldn't trade it for anything. The travel periods, although few and far between, are what keep me sane during my sedentary moments. I've never lived healthier as I have when I'm on "vacation" if only because I'm always moving.

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