1. Pineapple Incident (1.10)
Recap: Carl the bartender brings the gang a round of shots. Barney convinces Ted to drink all five. Ted accepts the challenge, because he thinks he's too smart to be affected by the alcohol. Cut to: Ted waking up hungover beside a strange woman and a pineapple... and no idea what happened after the fifth shot.
Why it's awesome: Man, the list is almost endless! Let's see, there's the awesome quotes (How easy do you think it is to sneak into the zoo? I need to see some penguins like, right now...); The whole "let's try to stick bits and pieces together to come up with a whole" way they tell the story; karaoke Ted; Danica McKellar (aka Winnie Cooper) as the mystery woman... Actually, I think the main reason this episode is awesome is because it was the first time HIMYM took story telling to the next level. The story is happening to Ted, the plot revolves around him but he honestly has no clue as to what really went on. Yes, the story itself is a little far fetched, but come on! How many of you have actually tried to piece together last night based on different friends' accounts? That's right. ALL OF YOU.
2. The Limo (1.11)
Recap: So, it's New Years and the gang wants to attend the perfect party for the countdown. Ted rents a limo, makes a list of all the party suggestions and hatches a plan: visit each party on the list before midnight, decide which is the best and go back to countdown in style. Of course, things start going wrong almost immediately: Robin is dating a billionaire; Lily goes back to change shoes; Moby is definitely NOT Moby; the gang gets stuck in traffic a few minutes to midnight.
Why it's awesome: Again this is all about things that have happened to us (kinda). You work so hard on the perfect plans and something always goes wrong. Sometimes a friend brings an awful date. Sometimes someone impersonating a musician steals your awesome "Get Psyched" mixed CD. Sometimes the parties you choose just suck. The thing is, this show also taught us a very important lesson: as long as you're with your best friends, the night will be awesome.
Final thought: Ranjit is easily THE BEST driver. Ever.
3. Come On (1.22)
Recap: Robin's going camping as a work retreat thing, where she'll probably sleep with her co-anchor. Ted cannot let this happen, so he makes it rain. Marshall overhears a message meant for Lily concerning the art fellowship in San Fransisco.
Why it's awesome: Amy Acker (Fred fron Angel) guest stars here as a girl Barney has slept with, who Ted asks for help in making it rain. His interpretation of a Native American rain dance reduces me to giggles every damn time. And it works!!! He and Robin FINALLY get together after many false starts... but we were expecting that, weren't we? What we weren't expecting? Marshall and Lily's breakup. WHAT?!?! I mean... Come on! Okay so maybe we were expecting a little turbulence with the fellowship... but a breakup? See, that's when they hooked me.
Final thought: Marshall and Lily pause their arguments. That's brilliant!
Honorable mention: Slutty Pumpkin (1.06)... Such a great setup!
4. Slap Bet (2.09)
Recap: Great thing about relationships: getting to know new things about your partner.
Why it's awesome: Well, for one thing, this little gem came out of it. Robin Sparkles has to be one of the best surprises to come out of the show! Also, the whole Slap Bet story line is another of the show's great setups. Marshall slaps Barney! Barney slaps Marshall! Marshall gets to give Barney 5 slaps between now and eternity! Too funny!!!
Final thought: Let's go to the mall (giggle), today!
5. Showdown (2.20)
Recap: Marshall and Lily decide to spend the last few night before the wedding apart. Marshall keeps censoring Ted's Best Man's speech. Lily is so stressed from the wedding and being apart from Marshall that she's losing weight to the point that her dress no longer fits. Barney meets (who he believes is) his father.
Why it's awesome: Barney's "dad"? IT'S BOB BARKER! Throughout the episode, Barney is "training" to be a contestant on The Price is Right so that he can win everything and make his "dad" proud. Of course, there are some funny bits here and there about Lily being too skinny (Drop and give me 20 bites of fudge!) and Marshall not approving of Ted's many rewrites concerning the Best Man's speech... but the best thing about this episode is how easily Barney makes it to the Showcase Showdown and how awkward all of his interactions with Bob Barker are. Oh and who wasn't on the edge of their seat, wondering if he'd win?
Final Thought: Night night Lily. Night night Lily... (Any episode where Jason Segel sings is a good one).
Honorable mentions: Single Stamina (2.10) where we meet Barney's brother; Stuff (2.16) where we get slap #2; Arrivederci, Fiero (2.17) AND I WOULD WALK 500 MILES AND I WOULD WALK 500 MORE.
6. Wait For It
Recap: Ted and Robin broke up. Marshall and Lily are now married. Ted and Barney have spent the summer in NYC, Barney trying to convince Ted to start dating again. Robin gets back from her summer in Argentina and brings home her new boyfriend.
Why it's awesome: Robin's new boyfriend (played by Enrique Inglesias) creates some interesting dynamics in the group. When we first meet him, the gang struggles on how to pronounce his name. Lily has an immediate crush on him, which Marshall later joins in on. Also, Ted is ready to date again. The bit the gang does as he shaves his beard is, yet again, a brilliant piece of writing that hooks me for a new season. There's another bit (that sets up the whole season) when Ted wakes up, after yet another bender, and has no recollection of getting a tattoo. The way the gang finds out is so well done. I frequently watch that clip over and over again and laugh hysterically each time. I've often been looked at like I'm nuts on public transportation.
Final thought: Mandy Moore is pretty effing hot as a dirty rocker chick.
7. Spoiler Alert (3.08)
Recap: The gang meets Ted's new girlfriend. She seems to have some sort of characteristic or personality trait that they hate but he just doesn't see. This episode follows the gang through their discoveries of each other's annoying personality traits that not everyone has yet picked up on. Oh, and Marshall can't remember his password to get is Bar exam results.
Why it's awesome: Lily is a loud chewer. Ted corrects everyone. Marshall sings about everything he does. The sound of glass shattering as each spoiler is revealed and the other characters cluing gives this episode a special edge. Oh and Marshall passed!
Final though: Apple orchard banana cat dance 8663
8. No Tomorrow (3.12)
Recap: Barney convinces Ted to go out for St-Patty's day. They party like there's no tomorrow (get it?) and, of course, hilarity ensues. Oh and there may be something wrong with Marshall and Lily's new apartment.
Why it's awesome: This is the first hint we get that we may have already seen The Mother. She's at the party Ted and Barney go to! Was she the brunette Ted bumped into? We don't know, but Ted finds her yellow umbrella. There's also the duality between Drunk Ted and Sober Ted's perception of the evening. As the episode rolls on, we think that Ted has an awesome night, even if he's acting a little douchey. Near the end, you hear some voice mails he left Marshall and, well, it seems there was more douche than awesome that night.
Honorable mentions: Third Wheel (3.03) with the return of Trudy and a possible threesome; Slapsgiving (3.09) with slap #3 and another Jason Segel song; Ten Sessions (3.13) even though I HATED Stella, this was a good set up for their relationship and the best 2 minute date ever; The Bracket (3.14) wow, Barney's an ass!; Sandcastles in the Sand (3.16) James van der Beek and the beginning of Robin and Barney; The Goat (3.17) we've been waiting for that story for three years!!
9. Three Days of Snow (4.13)
Recap: Barney and Ted are in charge of the bar. Robin and Marshall rush to the airport to pick up Lily, who's flight was cancelled. And there's a snowstorm... but did all this happen in the same day?
Why it's awesome: All three story lines are pretty memorable. There are some great quotes, yet again. We hear a few five word sentences that end up being super important (both during this season and later). The part that takes the cake, however, is when Marshall greets Lily at the airport with a full marching band. I get all teary-eyed every time I watch it. Ladies and gentlemen, that's what love looks like.
Final thought: Ranjit!!! "We should start a band!"
Honorable mentions: The Best Burger in New York (4.03) Regis Philben is awesome; Intervention (4.04) The Intervention intervention; Woo (4.08) WOO!!!!; The Naked Man (4.09) have any of my friends tried this (and not with an already established boyfriend/husband)?; The Leap (4.24) "I could totally jump that"
10. Slapsgiving 2: Return of the Slap (5.09)
Recap: Marshall and Lily host yet another Thanksgiving, this time at their apartment. Lily's dad makes a surprise appearance. Barney is being threatened by the prospect of slap #4.
Final thought: I'd buy Mickey Aldrin's Slap Bet game in a heartbeat.
11. Girls vs. Suits (5.12)
Recap: Barney wants to bed a hot bartender but there's a catch: she doesn't like men who wear suits. Other stuff also happens.
Why it's Awesome:
I know what you’re thinking
"What’s Barney been drinking?
That girl was smoking hot."
That girl was smoking hot."
Yes I could've nailed her
But no it’s not a failure
Cause there’s one thing she is not...
But no it’s not a failure
Cause there’s one thing she is not...
To score a ten would be just fine
But I’d rather be dressed to the nines!
It’s a truth you can’t refute.
Nothing suits me like a suit!
But I’d rather be dressed to the nines!
It’s a truth you can’t refute.
Nothing suits me like a suit!
Final thought: We're one step closer to meeting The Mother.
12. The Wedding Bride (5.23)
Why it's awesome: This is where HIMYM gets a little meta. The guy Stella left him for wrote a blockbuster about it... and make Ted out to be a GIANT ass. Chris Kattan is cast as "Jed Moseley" (although he sometimes slips up and calls himself Ted Mosby) and the film itself is so over the top it's quite funny. This movie within a show gives the audience a different perspective and makes us think: what if what we consider to be perfectly normal and acceptable behaviour is actually dreadful in the eyes of another? It also showed us that everyone has some baggage from previous relationships... you just need to make sure your baggage isn't available for public consumption.
Final thought: I feel a parallel can be drawn between The Wedding Bride and airing out all your personal problems online.
Honorable mentions: Double Date (5.02) stripper Lily; Rabbit or Duck (5.15) with the best and most intense argument of all time; Home Wreckers (5.20) and the dragon!
13. Glitter (6.09)
Recap: Lily is worried about losing her friendship with Robin if she has kids, so she seeks out the advice of Robin's former best friend. Barney finds a new Robin Sparkles video.
Why it's awesome: Nicole Scherzinger guest stars as fellow former Canadian pop star, and one time best friend of Robin, Jessica Glitter. They starred in a kids' show singing about how "two beavers are better than one." For some (awesome) reason, this show was incredibly sexual and, as always, Barney can't see passed it. We get a couple new songs and stories to entertain us as well.
Final thought: Keep in touch with your friends. Unless they start having kids... then it's totally justifiable to drop them like they're hot!
15. Blitzgiving (6.10)
Recap: Ted wants to host Thanksgiving. The gang runs into an old friend (The Blitz) at the bar. Ted leaves (to prepare his turkey stuffed turkey) and the gang has a great night with The Blitz and Zoey, but they break Ted's stove. Zoey offers her apartment to host the Thanksgiving festivities.
Why it's awesome: First, there's the concept of The Blitz. As soon as he leaves the party, amazing and incredible things happen. I always feel like I can't be the first to leave or go to sleep in case that's when all the cool stuff starts... and this show solidified my paranoia. Then there's the guest star who played The Blitz: Jorge Garcia. This provides some great fodder for the gang. The Blitz compares his curse to being "stuck on an island for ages" (sounds familiar anyone?) and suggests the Lost Numbers as a phone number for Marshall to send a picture of his junk to. Also, did the way The Blitz moved from one person to the next remind anyone else of Buffy's Hush episode?
Final thought: AWWWWW MAN!!!!!!
16. Bad News (6.13)
Recap: Marshall and Lily are having trouble conceiving and Marshall doesn't want to talk to his father until he has good news. Sandy Rivers is the lead anchor at Robin's new job and he's started retelling embarassing stories about her past at Metro News 1.
Why it's awesome: The countdown. It started at 50 and went down to one when the gang gets some devastating news. But the countdown wasn't all that obvious until about halfway through the show. THANK GOD for being able to pause and rewind live TV. I think I only caught on to it at number 40 or so. The numbers were so well done: most of them weren't all that obvious until you knew where to look (Ted's books, Robin's jacket, MacLaren's prices. We also find the fifth and final doppelganger! But all that is eclipsed by some pretty serious news for such a funny TV show.
Final thought: This is only the second time this show made me cry (the first being at the end of Come On)
17. The Perfect Cocktail (6.22)
Recap: Ted and Zoey spend a night at The Arcadian. Robin and Lily try to come up with a plan to reunite Marshall and Barney.
Why it's awesome: Is there a type of alcohol that makes you act a certain way? This episode outlines what different drinks do to the gang and, let me say, it's pretty accurate! I'm not saying that everyone thinks they're an awesome beat-boxer after drinking bourbon... But find me a single person who hasn't made THE WORST life decisions after copious amounts of tequila. My motto has always been "the night ends badly if it starts with tequila." Lily's crush on Robin comes out full force with martinis and the gang's reaction to absinth is priceless.
Final thought: The girls trying to get their booth back at MacLaren's is pretty hilarious.. especially the Butterfield like prank that gets it back for good.
Honorable mention: Subway Wars (6.04) what makes people true New Yorkers? Legendaddy (6.19) we finally meet Barney's dad; Hopeless (6.21) the whole "what club are we going to?" scene was epic.
18. Ducky Tie (7.03)
Recap: Ted is telling a story, in the typical "gang interrupts at every chance" style that has become popular with the show. Meanwhile Barney takes a bet that could result in him seeing something incredible.

Why it's awesome: I. Love. The. Ducky tie. LOVE IT. I think it goes well with Barney's character: it brought a bit of the humour Barney has to his otherwise serious outfits. Yet again, it's a brilliant set up for what comes next (in a few episodes). Plus the way the wager unfolds is in true Barney style... Was it all a ruse? Did Barney know what he was doing all along? How will he react to wearing something that is so completely un-stylish and, to him, un-Barney? Will he really wear the tie as long as the bet allows?
Final thought: Victoria! I loved her! They met at a wedding! But... she's not the mom.
19. Disaster Averted (7.09)
Recap: Kevin wants to know about a "no boogie-boarding" sign in MacLaren's. Barney wants out of his tie deal.
Why it's awesome: We get back to what the show excels at: retelling stories. This time we hear about how Marshall and Lily conceived their baby, why you aren't allowed boogie-boarding at MacLaren's and why Barney needs out of the tie deal. Most of this happens during Hurricane Irene, which was apparently a big deal in NYC. Marshall has no insurance, so he refuses to be out of Lily's sight. Ted wants to wait out the storm at his suburb house but the gang waits too long to leave and they weather it out at Barney's place. In the present, Barney is nervous about meeting Nora's parents, so he pleads with Marshall to let him out of his ducky tie deal which he finally agrees to... in exchange for more slaps. God, I love those slaps!
Final thought: I'm so glad Barney chose the original five slaps between now and eternity. It's one of my favourite parts of the show. I kinda hope that The Mother gets to give the last one!
20. The Magician's Code (7.23-24)
Recap: Lily sends Marshall to Atlantic City with Barney so that he'll stop stressing over the baby but... she goes into labour! Drunk Marshall and Barney try to get home as Ted and Robin try to calm Lily down by telling her stories. Once Marshall gets to the hospital, Lily agrees to give their baby a middle name suggested by Barney. The gang welcomes Marvin Wait-For-It Eriksen into the world. Meanwhile Barney and Quinn go on vacation but encounter a few problems getting through security. Also, Ted makes a huge decision that can affect not only his life but Victoria's as well.
Why it's awesome: You think you love Drunk Ted? You'll LOVE Drunk Marshall.
He is beyond funny when he's drunk beyond words. And the whole "I am Spartacus" spoof on the bus on Barney and Marshall's way home is heartwarming. Wait-For-It might also be the greatest middle name of all time. I'll even concede to the fact that the magic trick proposal was pretty good. But the real reason this episode is awesome is Robin and Ted's retelling of a story concerning a mysterious door at MacLaren's. Each member of the gang works up the courage to go see what's on the other side, all of them leaving Marshall alone in their booth wondering what the eff is going on. None of his friends are coming back! Finally, he works up the courage to check it out... and everyone is in a supply closet waiting to scare him. Too funny!
Final thought: It's revealed that Barney is marrying Robin, big whoop. Anyone else think her dress was awful?
Honorable mentions: Best Man (7.01) Ted's speeches are hilarious; The Slutty Pumpkin Returns (7.08) We've been waiting seven years for this!; Broath (7.19) I always feel a good man on man kiss is worth mentioning.
Well, that's it. That's my list. I'm very much looking forward to season eight.
15. Blitzgiving (6.10)
Recap: Ted wants to host Thanksgiving. The gang runs into an old friend (The Blitz) at the bar. Ted leaves (to prepare his turkey stuffed turkey) and the gang has a great night with The Blitz and Zoey, but they break Ted's stove. Zoey offers her apartment to host the Thanksgiving festivities.
Final thought: AWWWWW MAN!!!!!!
16. Bad News (6.13)
Recap: Marshall and Lily are having trouble conceiving and Marshall doesn't want to talk to his father until he has good news. Sandy Rivers is the lead anchor at Robin's new job and he's started retelling embarassing stories about her past at Metro News 1.
Why it's awesome: The countdown. It started at 50 and went down to one when the gang gets some devastating news. But the countdown wasn't all that obvious until about halfway through the show. THANK GOD for being able to pause and rewind live TV. I think I only caught on to it at number 40 or so. The numbers were so well done: most of them weren't all that obvious until you knew where to look (Ted's books, Robin's jacket, MacLaren's prices. We also find the fifth and final doppelganger! But all that is eclipsed by some pretty serious news for such a funny TV show.
Final thought: This is only the second time this show made me cry (the first being at the end of Come On)
17. The Perfect Cocktail (6.22)
Recap: Ted and Zoey spend a night at The Arcadian. Robin and Lily try to come up with a plan to reunite Marshall and Barney.
Why it's awesome: Is there a type of alcohol that makes you act a certain way? This episode outlines what different drinks do to the gang and, let me say, it's pretty accurate! I'm not saying that everyone thinks they're an awesome beat-boxer after drinking bourbon... But find me a single person who hasn't made THE WORST life decisions after copious amounts of tequila. My motto has always been "the night ends badly if it starts with tequila." Lily's crush on Robin comes out full force with martinis and the gang's reaction to absinth is priceless.
Final thought: The girls trying to get their booth back at MacLaren's is pretty hilarious.. especially the Butterfield like prank that gets it back for good.
Honorable mention: Subway Wars (6.04) what makes people true New Yorkers? Legendaddy (6.19) we finally meet Barney's dad; Hopeless (6.21) the whole "what club are we going to?" scene was epic.
18. Ducky Tie (7.03)
Recap: Ted is telling a story, in the typical "gang interrupts at every chance" style that has become popular with the show. Meanwhile Barney takes a bet that could result in him seeing something incredible.
Why it's awesome: I. Love. The. Ducky tie. LOVE IT. I think it goes well with Barney's character: it brought a bit of the humour Barney has to his otherwise serious outfits. Yet again, it's a brilliant set up for what comes next (in a few episodes). Plus the way the wager unfolds is in true Barney style... Was it all a ruse? Did Barney know what he was doing all along? How will he react to wearing something that is so completely un-stylish and, to him, un-Barney? Will he really wear the tie as long as the bet allows?
Final thought: Victoria! I loved her! They met at a wedding! But... she's not the mom.
19. Disaster Averted (7.09)
Recap: Kevin wants to know about a "no boogie-boarding" sign in MacLaren's. Barney wants out of his tie deal.
Why it's awesome: We get back to what the show excels at: retelling stories. This time we hear about how Marshall and Lily conceived their baby, why you aren't allowed boogie-boarding at MacLaren's and why Barney needs out of the tie deal. Most of this happens during Hurricane Irene, which was apparently a big deal in NYC. Marshall has no insurance, so he refuses to be out of Lily's sight. Ted wants to wait out the storm at his suburb house but the gang waits too long to leave and they weather it out at Barney's place. In the present, Barney is nervous about meeting Nora's parents, so he pleads with Marshall to let him out of his ducky tie deal which he finally agrees to... in exchange for more slaps. God, I love those slaps!
Final thought: I'm so glad Barney chose the original five slaps between now and eternity. It's one of my favourite parts of the show. I kinda hope that The Mother gets to give the last one!
20. The Magician's Code (7.23-24)
Why it's awesome: You think you love Drunk Ted? You'll LOVE Drunk Marshall.
He is beyond funny when he's drunk beyond words. And the whole "I am Spartacus" spoof on the bus on Barney and Marshall's way home is heartwarming. Wait-For-It might also be the greatest middle name of all time. I'll even concede to the fact that the magic trick proposal was pretty good. But the real reason this episode is awesome is Robin and Ted's retelling of a story concerning a mysterious door at MacLaren's. Each member of the gang works up the courage to go see what's on the other side, all of them leaving Marshall alone in their booth wondering what the eff is going on. None of his friends are coming back! Finally, he works up the courage to check it out... and everyone is in a supply closet waiting to scare him. Too funny!
Final thought: It's revealed that Barney is marrying Robin, big whoop. Anyone else think her dress was awful?
Honorable mentions: Best Man (7.01) Ted's speeches are hilarious; The Slutty Pumpkin Returns (7.08) We've been waiting seven years for this!; Broath (7.19) I always feel a good man on man kiss is worth mentioning.
Well, that's it. That's my list. I'm very much looking forward to season eight.
Oh god I don't think I could narrow it down to 20. There is just too much awesomeness in this show. So many legendary quotes! "Toaster oven you're the one for meeeee!" "Moist. Moist. Moist." And sooooo many crazy yet make total sense theories: the girl with the crazy eyes, the hook (can't be with you...right now. and the teacup pig), the settler... *going to rewatch everything now*