This blog is about my every day life. My life, as the blog title suggests, is quite random. I'll be blogging about food, relationships, work, music... anything that's going on in my life. I hope you enjoy reading :)
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
I'm tired.
As my dedicated reader(s) know(s), I've finally decided to get my shit together and clean my room. I haven't moved forward on that since my last post, but it's a thought forever present and always at the front of my mind. My room WILL be clean before I leave for the summer. My soft deadline is May 13th, the hard deadline is June 4th. Why those dates? Well, they correspond to the day before two trips I'm taking this summer. More on that later, though.
I've made an appointment with Mental Health, at McGill, to see if this lack of sleep thing has anything to do with anxiety. The insomnia is getting pretty bad. I'm not sleeping through a full night at all anymore, unless I take some sort of sleep aide, which I don't want to take too often in order to not become addicted. I bought a journal in which to write my thoughts when I'm up, which seems to be helping. I think some pretty fucked up things when I don't sleep! So yeah, I made an appointment to talk to someone, maybe find the underlying problems causing my insomnia.
I've also made an appointment with H&R Block to get my taxes done. I'm tired of waiting after my dad to do them, I want my refund now, not in 8 months! I'm a little nervous, as it's the first time I do it by myself. I just feel as if I don't have enough papers? I don't know. What I do know is that this will cost me about $30, which isn't too bad.
The last thing I want to write about today is vegan brownies. I'm craving chocolate and I'm tired of my parents not buying cocoa so I'm going out and buying it myself. Then, tonight, I am going to make these vegan brownies, not only for me but also for my friend's boyfriend who is ill and I kinda promised I'd make goodies this week for both of them so I might as well do it. Why vegan, you ask? Well, you shouldn't ask. You should know: I'm lactose intolerant. I'm not a tofu fan, so I'm glad I found a tofu-free recipe. I wanted to make brownies from the dairy/egg free dessert book I bought a few months ago, but it seems to have disappeared... Seriously, I have no clue where it is. It was in the living room. Now, it isn't.
I really just wish this headache would go away... and that I slept for more than 3 hours at a time.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Cleaning my room, part three
Want to know what I've found so far? Notes from the summer class I took in 2008,
Most of what I just mentioned is completely useless to me right now, except maybe the pattern packages. They're for "plus" sizes, so I must have already been fat when I bought them. As you can tell
Maybe not this summer, actually. Two summer classes and a trip... I'll be pretty busy. Better than being bored all summer, I guess. It's not like I can get a job, as a university student with a job waiting in September, no one is going to hire me for 45 days during the summer. 45 days where I'd be unavailable on Sundays and weekday afternoons from 1-4pm. Nope, not getting a job. Not happening!
On another note, I also found 3 pairs of sunglasses. Couple that with the two pairs I just bought and the four pairs I keep in my basket in the washroom and, well, I've got a lot of sunglasses. They're my main summer accessory! I can't wear red sunglasses with a pink shirt, I can't wear pink sunglasses with an aqua shirt, I can't wear my big green sunglasses other than on St-Patrick's Day and wearing the same black sunglasses get boring. Here's where I need your help, dear faithful reader(s) (I'm still not sure I actually have more than, like, 4 "faithful readers lol): How should I store all these sunglasses? They don't have cases, so telling me "in their case" is not a valid suggestion. My current thoughts are either in individual ziploc bags in a small drawer in my dresser (provided I can clear a small drawer) or in a basket on my dresser. I'm not liking the basket idea too much, because I'll lose space and they'll get all dusty and eww.
So, leave a comment and let me know your opinion. Oh and let me know if you want the scrapbooking crap :P
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Cleaning my room, part two
Today, I started on my long dresser (I have two, a long and a short one). Guess what? MORE CRAP! I haven't finished it yet (took a break to transfer coins from my Carnival Cruise cocktail glass to my actual piggy bank), but I've already got half a bag of garbage and half of bag of clothing to donate to charity. I've also found more jewelry than I know what to do with. Not good jewelry, not gold I can send in to those TV commercials to get instant cash, noooo... crappy jewelry that I've accumulated over the years. Jewelry that I'm not sure why (or when) I bought and that may or may not be tarnished beyond recognition. Jeebus, when did I have all this money to spend on garbage?
I wish it was the kind of garbage that people would pay for on Ebay or something... But this is just crap and it would probably cost more to ship than someone would be willing to pay for it. So, I throw it out. Or give it to charity. Or offer it to my friends...
I hate cleaning, but it needs to be done. I'm going to Italy for 5 weeks or so this summer and my mom will most likely throw everything out (and she would be full within her right to do so) while I'm gone if I don't clean up.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
How to look good, always.
1. I'm fat. I'm not big boned, I'm not "kinda chubby," I'm fat.
2. I have weird skin: it's oily but flaky and very uneven in skin tone.
3. My hair is blah. It's not straight, it's not curly, it's way too thick for my own good.
Well, those are the cons. There are more, Lord knows there are more, but that's besides the point. Thing is, when I take my time and pay attention to what I'm doing, I can look damn good. Wanna know how? It's not that big of a secret. It boils down to one thing: confidence. Let's address each fault in turn.
1. So what if I'm fat? That DOES NOT mean I can't look sexy. I just need to dress for my body type and not simply choose clothing because it's "my style" or "in fashion at the moment." If that were the case, I'd be wearing leggings as pants (a. they are not pants and b. I sooo don't have the ass doe that). I credit my friend Jody for this next little tidbit: TRY EVERYTHING ON!!! Even if you don't think it'll look good, even (or especially, I should say) if you don't like it on the hanger, even if you normally would never look twice at it. Once you've tried on your items, be critical and don't take it personally if it doesn't look right. That just means you'll spend your money elsewhere. Bring a friend you trust to help you decide if it looks good or not: you might think something suits/doesn't suit you because it's what you always/never wear. Don't let the past dictate your fashion future. Here, I'm not saying you have to abandon your personal style! If you want to be goth/punk/preppy/whorish, go for it, but you still need to dress for your body. If, after trying everything on and not finding anything you like, don't get depressed. You need to search to find something nice. If you still want to spend money, go shoe or purse shopping :).
2. My skin. Ugh. I don't understand why it's so weird! Am I dehydrated? I don't think so, I drink a lot of water. Yet, it's flaky under and between my eyebrows and on my chin. Yet my cheeks, nose and forehead are oily. I've spent $1000+ on creams, lotions, cleansing milks and toners: nothing works. What can I do? Work with my best attributes. Firstly, I try not to use too much concealer and foundation, not because I don't need it but because it tends to emphasize the flaking. I make sure to moisturize well and just put on a touch of pressed powder. Then I decide what feature am I working with to make me pretty. For me, it's usually my eyelashes or my lips (or sometimes both). I've invested in two kinds of mascara, one of everyday use and for "in your face" lashes that I reserve for a night out. And that's it. Sometimes I add eyeliner, usually with my night out mascara. For my lips, I have a wide variety of glosses and lipsticks to fit my mood, style and event I'm attending.
3. My hair. It doesn't curl. It isn't straight. It's super thick. So instead of fighting my hair, I've decided to go with it. I dry it in sections (unless I'm going for a bride of Frankenstein type hairdo). After, I can choose to straighten it or leave it as is, it depends on my time and what I'm doing.
Point of the story: I dress to make ME look awesome, not to find some standard ideal of beauty. And how do I do that? By being confident. Sure, I don't always feel awesome everyday, but on the days I do, I make sure I look it. If you want to look awesome, follow my simple fashion advice. Be confident. The rest will follow.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Need... sleep...
2. It's 5:21am. I've been up since about 3:15am. And that's just when I decided to check the time! I was up way before that. Let's see, I went to bed at 11pm and I think I must have gotten maybe... 2 hours sleep? Maybe less. Oh boy, will today be ever so much fun (heavy sarcasm). For further reference, I should turn off my laptop at least one hour before bed; not play on my nintendo DS for 20mins in bed and not eat pizza sans lactaid right before going to sleep. And I should just take a freaken sleeping pill. But I took one yesterday, and I don't want to become dependent. The last thing I need is to rely on drugs to sleep. I'm trying to avoid the whole "take a pill once a day for the rest of your life" route.
I thought I'd take this bout of insomnia as a chance to be productive. I went into the living room, got my laptop, brought it back to my room, went back in the living room, got my external hard drive, went back to my room, went back into the living room, got my bottle of water, filled it in the kitchen and then went back to my room again (all under the cover of darkness and trying not to make noise for fear of waking my parents, one who is not feeling well and the other who went to bed well past 1am). Right, so after all that going from my room to the living room and back, I figured I'd work on this ugly LES due tomorrow. For those not in the field of education, an LES is a "Learning and Evaluation Situation." Basically, it's a GIANT lesson where you map out all the steps you need to teach in order for your students to be able to successfully complete a final project. For example, in a math class, the final project is: build a pool. Students will need to know how to how big to dig the hole, how to calculate the cost from the price of materials and labour, how to calculate volume, etc.
It's pretty simple for subjects in the faculty of science (at least I think so, since there are so many more clear steps in any given project). I'm teaching ESL, so it's like I have to build all these hypothetical lesson plans assuming either my students will be incredibly dumb or the school will have the most incredible funding. My group and I chose to go with the latter. Our LES is completely unrealistic and we will never be able to use it in public schools in Quebec, but whatever, it's easier this way. In our hypothetical high school, not only will students be already fluent in English (which is SO not the case, even for advanced high school students, who I taught in September during my field experience) but the school will also have a state of the art computer room that is accessible whenever we need it. It will also have at least 15 camcorders to lend out (oh man, I wish this place was real).
It's not that I think what i'm learning in school is useless (although I kinda do), it's that I find we are given all these hypothetical situations and we have to know the perfect answer... but the perfect (in class) answer is hardly ever the one used in real life due to practicality or initial reactions or mostly the unpredictability of everything. When you learn to be an accountant, for example, you have your formulas to complete your calculations. Your number never bully each other, never join gangs at the age of 10, you never catch your number smoking pot on school grounds, you never get sexually harassed by them... You just deal with your numbers and your dumb clients.
Give me a teaching situation and I will give you the best possible solution. I know all the right things to say and the right ways to act. Do you think that makes me feel ready for real life? Hells no. And that terrifies me.
Well, let me at least pretend to be productive this morning...
Saturday, March 13, 2010
What movie defined your childhood?
Disney seemed to have been coming out with a movie per year back in the 90s. There was The Lion King (1994), the live action 101 Dalmatians (1996), Hercules (1997)... all meh... Except one. Now, I didn't realize it at the time, but it truly was groundbreaking. It was a new way of sharing a story that had never been bseen before and is now being taken for granted. A story that involved love, yes, but not romantic. A love between a boy and his toys and the loyalty that those toys show the young boy. Have you guessed what film I'm talking about? One more hint? Okay: it came out in 1995.
That's right! It's Toy Story! Starring Tim Allen and Tom Hanks, this movie was revolutionary. According to the IMDB trivia page for the film, Toy Story was the first fully computer-generated full length film. Now a days, with Planet 51, Shrek, Finding Nemo and about 70 million other computer animated films, we tend to forget about CGI's humble beginnings: the first Toy Story was truly cutting-edge.
The reason I think I love this film so much is because I always thought my toys came to life when I wasn't looking. I would always rush into my room to try to "surprise" them and catch them in the act (of being alive). Of course, I never did catch them. I did, however, imagine that they were in a slightly different position than when I left them. I'm so glad I didn't know anyone like Sid, the creepy/punk toy torturer and main antagonist of the film. I wouldn't have had the heart to keep someone like that as a friend. Such horrible things, that made-up kid did to toys!
All this to say that I am super freaken excited for the new installment in the Toy Story series: Toy Story 3 coming out June 18, 2010. When I saw the full length preview (not just the teaser) before Alice in Wonderland earlier this month, I got chills. I got so excited, I almost cried! The new sequel deals with Andy growing up and his mother donating all his toys to a day care (I think). It seems that life in their new home is not a pleasant as the older toys have lead them to believe. Then, they realize that Andy misses them and decide to find their way back to him. Sounds lame? NOT AT ALL!
Really, I'm so so SO psyched!
(Embedding has been disabled on the trailer... so CLICK HERE to watch it)
And remember, you've got a friend in me.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Cleaning my room, step one.
It's been at least 7 years since I rearranged my room into something that I thought was more "grown-up," but all it did was divide my room in two parts: easily accessible and where I dump all my crap. This has resulted in me not cleaning my room properly in at least 5 years. You know dust bunnies? I have dust Godzillas. It's terrifying.
I tried to clean it this summer before taking off for PEI. I managed to put almost everything boxes or giant reusable grocery bags... and then put it on the "dump all my crap" side of the room. I didn't touch my night table or either of my two dressers. In fact, there's one dresser than I haven't used in at least 10 years. it's full, but don't ask me of what, I can't remember.
Today, I made a choice. I started cleaning my night table. I found: info for applying to university (I applied in 2006), medication that expired in 2005, a bracelet I had been looking for since 2007, lip gloss I haven't worn in 3 years and a multitude of empty cream and lotion containers. Why have I been keeping all thing garbage? I filled a HUGE garbage bag with crap from my night table alone! That's not normal!! I can't live like this anymore. The dust can't be healthy and there are books that I know I have and just can't seem to find. I think if I rearrange my room back to how it was (with an open space in the middle instead of having my room divided by my bed) I'll not only be able to keep it more organized but I'll be able to work better (right now, my desk is on the "dump all my crap" half of my room, with books and papers and randomness all over it... and my desk chair is in my closet).
Wish me luck! I'll keep you all posted.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Lactose Free, not soy
Hi, my name is Michèle and I am lactose intolerant. I know, I know, it's the 21st century, how can I be intolerant of anything? I've heard the joke before.
Anyway, fact of the matter is: I have a love/hate relationship with dairy. I love it and it hates me (or my tummy at least). I won't bore/disgust you with with the details of my symptoms... suffice to say I prefer not putting myself in that situation, especially without Lactaid. It's not a cure-all, but it helps quite a bit. I'd rather deal with the "issues" than drink soy milk, though.
Firstly, soy is a PLANT, not something with udders, something that can be milked. So calling it "milk" is false.
Secondly, soy is NOT tasty. People keep telling me it needs getting used to, or it's an acquired taste. Well, milk shouldn't be. I was one of those kids that LOVED getting milk at snack time in elementary school. In high school and CEGEP (until I realized I was lactose intolerant) I would regularly buy milk or chocolate milk in the cafeteria, not because I needed to but because I wanted to. I never understood people who told me they hated milk and pitied those with lactose intolerance or an allergy to it. Now, here I am, unable to enjoy my favourite food group without popping pills first.
Have you ever noticed how many food items (on menus, let's say) contain dairy? I recently went to Montana's and was astounded by the number of entrees that relied heavily on cheese, cream or some other form of dairy. I'm lucky, I can eat most hard cheeses with my pills, but forget about creamy cheese or cream. It bothers me that my only alternative in mainstream restaurants is to have a vegetarian entree (or simply choose to not have one, which is probably best choice). And forget about a dessert and coffee.
Coffee. I love coffee, it has become a necessity in my life: not yet an addiction, but I do believe I'm on my way. The thing is, I'm okay with that. I'd be even more okay with that, if I could get lactose free milk more regularly. As it stands, I only know a handful of places that will offer lactose free over soy. None of these are Tim Horton's, Dunkin Donuts, or any such coffee place. I don't think they even offer soy milk there, but I'm not sure as I never asked.
I feel I have a better chance at places like Starbucks or Second Cup, although it's hit and miss there too. My pet peeve, though, is that when I ask about lactose free milk, I don't want to hear about soy milk. Had I wanted to know about soy milk, I would have asked about it. So far, in the downtown area, I only know of two places that will give me lactose free milk: the Starbucks in Chapters on St-Catherine (corner Stanley) and the Second Cup on McGill College (near Sherbrooke). There are at least 6 other Starbucks' and 4 other Second Cups on St-Catherine between Aylmer and Wood. There are most likely more, but I haven't frequented all of them.
There are other places in the city that do serve lactose free milk: Starbucks in the Chapters in the West Island (on St-John's) and the Second Cup in Fairview mall (also in the West Island). If anyone knows of any others, I'd love to know.