People don't go in my room. I rarely have friends over to begin with, but when I do we stay in the kitchen or living room or outside (during the summer). The reason for this is that my room is a mess. It's horrible. I have clothes and suitcases and papers and books and jewelery, well, everything on the floor. I've never been good at keeping my room organized. When I was younger, my mother and I would throw everything on the floor and do a HUGE clean-up once a month. As I got older (and had more personal items that I didn't want my mom to find) I told her I'd do it on my own. I failed.
It's been at least 7 years since I rearranged my room into something that I thought was more "grown-up," but all it did was divide my room in two parts: easily accessible and where I dump all my crap. This has resulted in me not cleaning my room properly in at least 5 years. You know dust bunnies? I have dust Godzillas. It's terrifying.
I tried to clean it this summer before taking off for PEI. I managed to put almost everything boxes or giant reusable grocery bags... and then put it on the "dump all my crap" side of the room. I didn't touch my night table or either of my two dressers. In fact, there's one dresser than I haven't used in at least 10 years. it's full, but don't ask me of what, I can't remember.
Today, I made a choice. I started cleaning my night table. I found: info for applying to university (I applied in 2006), medication that expired in 2005, a bracelet I had been looking for since 2007, lip gloss I haven't worn in 3 years and a multitude of empty cream and lotion containers. Why have I been keeping all thing garbage? I filled a HUGE garbage bag with crap from my night table alone! That's not normal!! I can't live like this anymore. The dust can't be healthy and there are books that I know I have and just can't seem to find. I think if I rearrange my room back to how it was (with an open space in the middle instead of having my room divided by my bed) I'll not only be able to keep it more organized but I'll be able to work better (right now, my desk is on the "dump all my crap" half of my room, with books and papers and randomness all over it... and my desk chair is in my closet).
Wish me luck! I'll keep you all posted.
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