Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I'm tired.

Earlier, I had a migraine. It's gone down to a (still painful) throbbing, after painkillers and a "omg I think I'm dying" 3 hour nap. I want to say everything is overwhelming, but really it isn't. I'm just bad about getting my act together. I've decided that part of my problem is waiting on other people to do things for me: well, no more. I'm taking my life into my own hands. As my good friend Cara once wrote (as her Facebook status) "[I am not] waiting for change... [I'm] making change happen!"

As my dedicated reader(s) know(s), I've finally decided to get my shit together and clean my room. I haven't moved forward on that since my last post, but it's a thought forever present and always at the front of my mind. My room WILL be clean before I leave for the summer. My soft deadline is May 13th, the hard deadline is June 4th. Why those dates? Well, they correspond to the day before two trips I'm taking this summer. More on that later, though.

I've made an appointment with Mental Health, at McGill, to see if this lack of sleep thing has anything to do with anxiety. The insomnia is getting pretty bad. I'm not sleeping through a full night at all anymore, unless I take some sort of sleep aide, which I don't want to take too often in order to not become addicted. I bought a journal in which to write my thoughts when I'm up, which seems to be helping. I think some pretty fucked up things when I don't sleep! So yeah, I made an appointment to talk to someone, maybe find the underlying problems causing my insomnia.

I've also made an appointment with H&R Block to get my taxes done. I'm tired of waiting after my dad to do them, I want my refund now, not in 8 months! I'm a little nervous, as it's the first time I do it by myself. I just feel as if I don't have enough papers? I don't know. What I do know is that this will cost me about $30, which isn't too bad.

The last thing I want to write about today is vegan brownies. I'm craving chocolate and I'm tired of my parents not buying cocoa so I'm going out and buying it myself. Then, tonight, I am going to make these vegan brownies, not only for me but also for my friend's boyfriend who is ill and I kinda promised I'd make goodies this week for both of them so I might as well do it. Why vegan, you ask? Well, you shouldn't ask. You should know: I'm lactose intolerant. I'm not a tofu fan, so I'm glad I found a tofu-free recipe. I wanted to make brownies from the dairy/egg free dessert book I bought a few months ago, but it seems to have disappeared... Seriously, I have no clue where it is. It was in the living room. Now, it isn't.

I really just wish this headache would go away... and that I slept for more than 3 hours at a time.

1 comment:

  1. There lies the way to happiness: grab what you want on your own, don't rely on anyone else for it.
